Ix International Congress Of Economics And Social History Of Turkey
Organized by
Internatioanl Assocciation for Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH)
Ivana Burdelez, Welcoming Speech
Halil İnalcık, Opening Address
Halil İnalcık Son Yıllarda Türkiye'de Kaynak Çalışmaları
Keith Hopwood The Social and Economic Context of the
Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
Linda T. Darling Revisiting the Ottoman Gaza T5
Tuncer Baykara Osmanlı Kale Tahkimatı ve Narin Kale ( = Citadel)
Mehmet Öz XVI. Yüzyılda Bitlis Sancağı: Yönetim, Nüfus ve
Nenad Moacanin Constructing Food Production From the Tapu Tahrir
Data: The Advanture Continues
Wolf Hütteroth High Population Increase in the 16thCentury?
Oktay Özel Banditry, State and Economy: On the Financial
Impact of the Celali Movement in Ottoman Anatolia.
Rhoads Murphey Rhetoric and Realism in Early Seventeenth-Century
Ottoman Historical Writing: On the Creation and
Purpose of Kuyucu Murad Pasha's Vaunted
Reputation as Vanquisher of the Celalis
Erol Özvar XVII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Maliyesinde Değişme:
Diyarbakır'da Hazine Defterdarlığından Voyvodalığa
Ahmet Yaşar Ocak Balkanlarda Popüler İslam'ın Mahiyet ve Temelleri
Meselesine Dair
Mustafa Kara Balkanlarda Türk Tasavvuf Edebiyatına Genel Bakış
Darius KolodziejczykBetvveen Tabaka and Tytoi: Who Introduced
Tabaccoo to Poles?
Mehmet Bulut The Role of the Dutch Merchants in the Early
Commercial Integration Betvveen the Ottoman
Empire and the Western Europe
Neşe Erim 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kürek Cezası
Zdenko Zlatar The Patriciate and its Investments in Dubrovnik's
Trade in the Ottoman Empire Correlated with its
political Rove as the Ruling Class (1520-1620)
Maria Pia Pedani Venetian Consuls for Ottoman Subjects
Giampiero Bellingeri Su Due Manoscritti "Illirico-Veneti" e L'Impero
Ottomano del XVIII Secolo: Segnalazioni e Richiami
Slavka Draganova XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Tuna Vilayetinde
Çingene Nüfusun Vergilendirilmesi (Plevne Kazası)..
Ercüment Kuran Tanzimat Döneminde (1839-1876) Türkiye'de Sosyal
Hayatın Değişmesi
Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı Nascent Factories, Labour Recruitment and
Ottoman Industrial Policy in the Vake of Tanzimat....
Sabri Sürgevil 19. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Üsküp Reayasının Sosyal ve
Ekonomik Durumu....
Zeki Arıkan Les Anuaires Officiels du Vilayet de Hudavendigâr et
la Ville de Brousse
Bülent Özdemir Image of the Muslims in Salonica during the Reform
Period: "Rulers" or "Ruled"?
Avigdor Levy An Ottoman City Under Siege: Daily Life in Edirne
during the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913
Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Eighteenth Century Sephardic Ladies according to
Rabbi Ya'akov Kuli's Meam Loez (1730)
Selçuk Aksin Somel The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman
James L. Gelvin Alternative Modernities and Construction of Gender
in Post-Hamidian Damascus
Michael "VVinter Characteristics of Arabic Historiography of Ottoman Syria
David Kushner Rauf Pasa- Governor of Jerusalem, 1877-1889
Orhan Koloğlu Lettres des Jeunes Turcs a l'Ambassadeur Autrichien
au Debut du XXeme Siecle
Ramazan Acun Towards a Prosopography of the Ottoman Empire:
Generalising from a Project on the Students Reading
for Higher Degrees Abroad
Concluding Session
Internatioanl Assocciation for Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH)
Ivana Burdelez, Welcoming Speech
Halil İnalcık, Opening Address
Halil İnalcık Son Yıllarda Türkiye'de Kaynak Çalışmaları
Keith Hopwood The Social and Economic Context of the
Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
Linda T. Darling Revisiting the Ottoman Gaza T5
Tuncer Baykara Osmanlı Kale Tahkimatı ve Narin Kale ( = Citadel)
Mehmet Öz XVI. Yüzyılda Bitlis Sancağı: Yönetim, Nüfus ve
Nenad Moacanin Constructing Food Production From the Tapu Tahrir
Data: The Advanture Continues
Wolf Hütteroth High Population Increase in the 16thCentury?
Oktay Özel Banditry, State and Economy: On the Financial
Impact of the Celali Movement in Ottoman Anatolia.
Rhoads Murphey Rhetoric and Realism in Early Seventeenth-Century
Ottoman Historical Writing: On the Creation and
Purpose of Kuyucu Murad Pasha's Vaunted
Reputation as Vanquisher of the Celalis
Erol Özvar XVII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Maliyesinde Değişme:
Diyarbakır'da Hazine Defterdarlığından Voyvodalığa
Ahmet Yaşar Ocak Balkanlarda Popüler İslam'ın Mahiyet ve Temelleri
Meselesine Dair
Mustafa Kara Balkanlarda Türk Tasavvuf Edebiyatına Genel Bakış
Darius KolodziejczykBetvveen Tabaka and Tytoi: Who Introduced
Tabaccoo to Poles?
Mehmet Bulut The Role of the Dutch Merchants in the Early
Commercial Integration Betvveen the Ottoman
Empire and the Western Europe
Neşe Erim 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kürek Cezası
Zdenko Zlatar The Patriciate and its Investments in Dubrovnik's
Trade in the Ottoman Empire Correlated with its
political Rove as the Ruling Class (1520-1620)
Maria Pia Pedani Venetian Consuls for Ottoman Subjects
Giampiero Bellingeri Su Due Manoscritti "Illirico-Veneti" e L'Impero
Ottomano del XVIII Secolo: Segnalazioni e Richiami
Slavka Draganova XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Tuna Vilayetinde
Çingene Nüfusun Vergilendirilmesi (Plevne Kazası)..
Ercüment Kuran Tanzimat Döneminde (1839-1876) Türkiye'de Sosyal
Hayatın Değişmesi
Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı Nascent Factories, Labour Recruitment and
Ottoman Industrial Policy in the Vake of Tanzimat....
Sabri Sürgevil 19. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Üsküp Reayasının Sosyal ve
Ekonomik Durumu....
Zeki Arıkan Les Anuaires Officiels du Vilayet de Hudavendigâr et
la Ville de Brousse
Bülent Özdemir Image of the Muslims in Salonica during the Reform
Period: "Rulers" or "Ruled"?
Avigdor Levy An Ottoman City Under Siege: Daily Life in Edirne
during the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913
Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Eighteenth Century Sephardic Ladies according to
Rabbi Ya'akov Kuli's Meam Loez (1730)
Selçuk Aksin Somel The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman
James L. Gelvin Alternative Modernities and Construction of Gender
in Post-Hamidian Damascus
Michael "VVinter Characteristics of Arabic Historiography of Ottoman Syria
David Kushner Rauf Pasa- Governor of Jerusalem, 1877-1889
Orhan Koloğlu Lettres des Jeunes Turcs a l'Ambassadeur Autrichien
au Debut du XXeme Siecle
Ramazan Acun Towards a Prosopography of the Ottoman Empire:
Generalising from a Project on the Students Reading
for Higher Degrees Abroad
Concluding Session
Organized by
Internatioanl Assocciation for Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH)
Ivana Burdelez, Welcoming Speech
Halil İnalcık, Opening Address
Halil İnalcık Son Yıllarda Türkiye'de Kaynak Çalışmaları
Keith Hopwood The Social and Economic Context of the
Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
Linda T. Darling Revisiting the Ottoman Gaza T5
Tuncer Baykara Osmanlı Kale Tahkimatı ve Narin Kale ( = Citadel)
Mehmet Öz XVI. Yüzyılda Bitlis Sancağı: Yönetim, Nüfus ve
Nenad Moacanin Constructing Food Production From the Tapu Tahrir
Data: The Advanture Continues
Wolf Hütteroth High Population Increase in the 16thCentury?
Oktay Özel Banditry, State and Economy: On the Financial
Impact of the Celali Movement in Ottoman Anatolia.
Rhoads Murphey Rhetoric and Realism in Early Seventeenth-Century
Ottoman Historical Writing: On the Creation and
Purpose of Kuyucu Murad Pasha's Vaunted
Reputation as Vanquisher of the Celalis
Erol Özvar XVII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Maliyesinde Değişme:
Diyarbakır'da Hazine Defterdarlığından Voyvodalığa
Ahmet Yaşar Ocak Balkanlarda Popüler İslam'ın Mahiyet ve Temelleri
Meselesine Dair
Mustafa Kara Balkanlarda Türk Tasavvuf Edebiyatına Genel Bakış
Darius KolodziejczykBetvveen Tabaka and Tytoi: Who Introduced
Tabaccoo to Poles?
Mehmet Bulut The Role of the Dutch Merchants in the Early
Commercial Integration Betvveen the Ottoman
Empire and the Western Europe
Neşe Erim 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kürek Cezası
Zdenko Zlatar The Patriciate and its Investments in Dubrovnik's
Trade in the Ottoman Empire Correlated with its
political Rove as the Ruling Class (1520-1620)
Maria Pia Pedani Venetian Consuls for Ottoman Subjects
Giampiero Bellingeri Su Due Manoscritti "Illirico-Veneti" e L'Impero
Ottomano del XVIII Secolo: Segnalazioni e Richiami
Slavka Draganova XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Tuna Vilayetinde
Çingene Nüfusun Vergilendirilmesi (Plevne Kazası)..
Ercüment Kuran Tanzimat Döneminde (1839-1876) Türkiye'de Sosyal
Hayatın Değişmesi
Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı Nascent Factories, Labour Recruitment and
Ottoman Industrial Policy in the Vake of Tanzimat....
Sabri Sürgevil 19. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Üsküp Reayasının Sosyal ve
Ekonomik Durumu....
Zeki Arıkan Les Anuaires Officiels du Vilayet de Hudavendigâr et
la Ville de Brousse
Bülent Özdemir Image of the Muslims in Salonica during the Reform
Period: "Rulers" or "Ruled"?
Avigdor Levy An Ottoman City Under Siege: Daily Life in Edirne
during the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913
Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Eighteenth Century Sephardic Ladies according to
Rabbi Ya'akov Kuli's Meam Loez (1730)
Selçuk Aksin Somel The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman
James L. Gelvin Alternative Modernities and Construction of Gender
in Post-Hamidian Damascus
Michael "VVinter Characteristics of Arabic Historiography of Ottoman Syria
David Kushner Rauf Pasa- Governor of Jerusalem, 1877-1889
Orhan Koloğlu Lettres des Jeunes Turcs a l'Ambassadeur Autrichien
au Debut du XXeme Siecle
Ramazan Acun Towards a Prosopography of the Ottoman Empire:
Generalising from a Project on the Students Reading
for Higher Degrees Abroad
Concluding Session
Internatioanl Assocciation for Ottoman Social and Economic History (IAOSEH)
Ivana Burdelez, Welcoming Speech
Halil İnalcık, Opening Address
Halil İnalcık Son Yıllarda Türkiye'de Kaynak Çalışmaları
Keith Hopwood The Social and Economic Context of the
Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
Linda T. Darling Revisiting the Ottoman Gaza T5
Tuncer Baykara Osmanlı Kale Tahkimatı ve Narin Kale ( = Citadel)
Mehmet Öz XVI. Yüzyılda Bitlis Sancağı: Yönetim, Nüfus ve
Nenad Moacanin Constructing Food Production From the Tapu Tahrir
Data: The Advanture Continues
Wolf Hütteroth High Population Increase in the 16thCentury?
Oktay Özel Banditry, State and Economy: On the Financial
Impact of the Celali Movement in Ottoman Anatolia.
Rhoads Murphey Rhetoric and Realism in Early Seventeenth-Century
Ottoman Historical Writing: On the Creation and
Purpose of Kuyucu Murad Pasha's Vaunted
Reputation as Vanquisher of the Celalis
Erol Özvar XVII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Taşra Maliyesinde Değişme:
Diyarbakır'da Hazine Defterdarlığından Voyvodalığa
Ahmet Yaşar Ocak Balkanlarda Popüler İslam'ın Mahiyet ve Temelleri
Meselesine Dair
Mustafa Kara Balkanlarda Türk Tasavvuf Edebiyatına Genel Bakış
Darius KolodziejczykBetvveen Tabaka and Tytoi: Who Introduced
Tabaccoo to Poles?
Mehmet Bulut The Role of the Dutch Merchants in the Early
Commercial Integration Betvveen the Ottoman
Empire and the Western Europe
Neşe Erim 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kürek Cezası
Zdenko Zlatar The Patriciate and its Investments in Dubrovnik's
Trade in the Ottoman Empire Correlated with its
political Rove as the Ruling Class (1520-1620)
Maria Pia Pedani Venetian Consuls for Ottoman Subjects
Giampiero Bellingeri Su Due Manoscritti "Illirico-Veneti" e L'Impero
Ottomano del XVIII Secolo: Segnalazioni e Richiami
Slavka Draganova XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Tuna Vilayetinde
Çingene Nüfusun Vergilendirilmesi (Plevne Kazası)..
Ercüment Kuran Tanzimat Döneminde (1839-1876) Türkiye'de Sosyal
Hayatın Değişmesi
Mustafa Erdem Kabadayı Nascent Factories, Labour Recruitment and
Ottoman Industrial Policy in the Vake of Tanzimat....
Sabri Sürgevil 19. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Üsküp Reayasının Sosyal ve
Ekonomik Durumu....
Zeki Arıkan Les Anuaires Officiels du Vilayet de Hudavendigâr et
la Ville de Brousse
Bülent Özdemir Image of the Muslims in Salonica during the Reform
Period: "Rulers" or "Ruled"?
Avigdor Levy An Ottoman City Under Siege: Daily Life in Edirne
during the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913
Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Eighteenth Century Sephardic Ladies according to
Rabbi Ya'akov Kuli's Meam Loez (1730)
Selçuk Aksin Somel The Issue of Abortion in 19th Century Ottoman
James L. Gelvin Alternative Modernities and Construction of Gender
in Post-Hamidian Damascus
Michael "VVinter Characteristics of Arabic Historiography of Ottoman Syria
David Kushner Rauf Pasa- Governor of Jerusalem, 1877-1889
Orhan Koloğlu Lettres des Jeunes Turcs a l'Ambassadeur Autrichien
au Debut du XXeme Siecle
Ramazan Acun Towards a Prosopography of the Ottoman Empire:
Generalising from a Project on the Students Reading
for Higher Degrees Abroad
Concluding Session