Political And Administrative Corruption La Corruption Politique Et Administrative
TODAİE ile Uluslararası Yönetim Bilimleri Enstitüsü'nün ortak çalışması olarak 15-17 Ekim 1997 tarihlerinde Ankara'da TODAİE salonlarında yapılan Politika ve Kamu Yönetimi'nde Yolsuzluk başlıklı seminerin bildirilerini içermektedir. Oturum başlıkları ve bildirileri şöyle sıralayabiliriz: New international order, restructuring the state power and corruption Introductory report Corruption in the age of globalization, Reinold E. Thiel - Political and Administrative Corruption in North and South Korea, Kim Young Jong - Inquiries into administrative and political corruption: a study of military and civilian regimes in Kano, Ibrahim Muazzam - Corruption in bureaucracy and public administration: are the underdeveloped countries more prone to corruption?, Ümit Berkman - Corruption and the new world order, Gencay Şaylan Instruments for fighting corruption: juridical-political instruments Introductory report, Alan Doig - Les facteurs de deploiément de la corruption, Daniel Mbarga Nyatte - Instruments for fighting corruption: the Italian cage, Fabio Rugge - La lutte contre la corruption des cadres politiques et administratifs au moyen de la sanction pénale, Durmuş Tezcan Instruments for fighting corruption: socio-cultural instruments Introductory report Clean Govement: Morals or exchange?, Frank de Zwart - Developing a work ethic in the public sector, Majunisa Mutuwajhethu - Ethics as a tool to fight corruption. A general approach, Philippe Vermeulen - Cultural values, corruption and public administration in Turkey, Cahit Emre - Business ethics: future managers ethical thinking profile, Azize Ergeneli - The nature and the sources of socio-cultural aspects of political and administrative corruption and the ways of fighting with it, Mehmet Ecevit
TODAİE ile Uluslararası Yönetim Bilimleri Enstitüsü'nün ortak çalışması olarak 15-17 Ekim 1997 tarihlerinde Ankara'da TODAİE salonlarında yapılan Politika ve Kamu Yönetimi'nde Yolsuzluk başlıklı seminerin bildirilerini içermektedir. Oturum başlıkları ve bildirileri şöyle sıralayabiliriz: New international order, restructuring the state power and corruption Introductory report Corruption in the age of globalization, Reinold E. Thiel - Political and Administrative Corruption in North and South Korea, Kim Young Jong - Inquiries into administrative and political corruption: a study of military and civilian regimes in Kano, Ibrahim Muazzam - Corruption in bureaucracy and public administration: are the underdeveloped countries more prone to corruption?, Ümit Berkman - Corruption and the new world order, Gencay Şaylan Instruments for fighting corruption: juridical-political instruments Introductory report, Alan Doig - Les facteurs de deploiément de la corruption, Daniel Mbarga Nyatte - Instruments for fighting corruption: the Italian cage, Fabio Rugge - La lutte contre la corruption des cadres politiques et administratifs au moyen de la sanction pénale, Durmuş Tezcan Instruments for fighting corruption: socio-cultural instruments Introductory report Clean Govement: Morals or exchange?, Frank de Zwart - Developing a work ethic in the public sector, Majunisa Mutuwajhethu - Ethics as a tool to fight corruption. A general approach, Philippe Vermeulen - Cultural values, corruption and public administration in Turkey, Cahit Emre - Business ethics: future managers ethical thinking profile, Azize Ergeneli - The nature and the sources of socio-cultural aspects of political and administrative corruption and the ways of fighting with it, Mehmet Ecevit