People have always fell into clashed since the first day of human life on Earth. With the developments in socities and technologies, these conflicts have turned into wars and other forms of organized violence. It is imposibble to eradicate physical strength as a means of social order because so-cialized power is necessary to prevent anti-social indicators and incidents as well as to stop arbitrary use of power. However, it should be noted that physical power alone cannot maintain the order, nor would the order be safe without physical power.
People have always fell into clashed since the first day of human life on Earth. With the developments in socities and technologies, these conflicts have turned into wars and other forms of organized violence. It is imposibble to eradicate physical strength as a means of social order because so-cialized power is necessary to prevent anti-social indicators and incidents as well as to stop arbitrary use of power. However, it should be noted that physical power alone cannot maintain the order, nor would the order be safe without physical power.